Seminar: Software Security for Mobile Devices

Block seminar on 31.05.12 and 01.06.12, 9:00-18:00
Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel
in the TUCAN and additionally by Artem Starostin (S2|02 E312)
Preparation Meeting:
Thursday, 12.04.12, 16:15 in S2|02 E302
will be introduced in the preparation meeting


This seminar aims at establishing a link between two hot topics in computer science: The first topic is the security solutions and known vulnerabiltities on modern mobile devices. The second topic is the program analysis for low-level languages, e.g., Java or Android's Dalvik bytecode. Recent research papers from these two areas will be considered in the seminar. Part of the seminar will be devoted to a discussion on how techniques from the area of program analysis can help to improve the state-of-the-art security on mobile devices.


  • Basic knowledge in formal methods (e.g., at the level of successful participation in the lecture "Introduction to Foundations of Computing")

Course Material

  • Slides from the preparation meeting [PDF]
  • LaTeX template for the reports (in case you do not use LaTeX, which is deprecated, make sure that your formatting corresponds to this pdf)


Last modified on 22 October 2012.

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