Seminar: Formal Specification WS 2011/2012

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel
Form: block seminar
When and where: December 1st, 2011, A313 (16:00-17:30); December 2nd, 2011, E302 (9:00-11:30), A313 (12:30-18:15)
Registration: via TUCaN or in our secretariat.
Literature: will be announced during the preparation meeting
Preparation Meeting: Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 16:15 in room S2|02/E302


As long as requirements to computer designs are formulated in an ambiguous human language and as long as these designs are implemented by human not insured against possible carelessness and misunderstandings, computer systems will contains errors. For the time being, the only way to guarantee absence of errors in a computer system is to exploit rigorous formal methods of mathematics for specifying system's intended behavior and proving that the actual system's implementation meets the desired behavior.

In the seminar we will consider articles describing how logic and mathematics could be applied for precise specification of selected systems, e.g., processors, compilers, and microkernels.

The participants of the seminar could use an opportunity to apply the studied techniques in the Lab course "Modeling" which will take place in the same semester.

Material, Schedule, and Proceedings

Available at the internal webpage.
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