So far, I taught over 15 university-level courses, 2 invited scientific tutorials, more than 25 seminars, and assisted several undergraduate-level and graduate-level courses.
Teaching at TU Darmstadt (since SS07)
- Formal Methods for Information Security (4+2), lecture with tutorial: SS07, SS08, SS10, SS11, SS12, SS13, SS15, SS16, SS17, SS18, WS19/20, SS22
- Introduction to Foundations of Computing (IV3), lecture with tutorial: WS07/08, WS08/09, WS09/10, WS10/11, WS11/12, WS12/13, WS13/14, WS14/15, (lecture was renamed to Modellierung, Spezifikation und Semantik)
- Modellierung, Spezifikation und Semantik (IV3), lecture with tutorial: WS15/16, WS16/17, WS17/18, SS19, SS20, WS20/21, WS21/22
- Static and Dynamic Program Analysis (IV4), lecture with tutorial: WS11/12, WS12/13, WS17/18, SS21, WS21/22
- Dynamic Enforcement of Software Security (P4): SS13, SS19
- Dynamic Enforcement of System Requirements (P6): SS15, WS16/17, WS17/18
- Formal Specification and Verification in Isabelle/HOL (P4): WS14/15, WS15/16, SS17, SS19, SS20, SS21, SS22
- Modeling Lab (P4): WS07/08, WS08/09, WS09/10, WS10/11, WS11/12, WS 12/13, WS13/14
- Proof-Carrying Code (P4): SS08, SS10, SS11
- Reliable Software Security for Mobile Devices (P4): SS15, SS16, SS17, SS18, WS19/20
- Secure Information Systems (P4): WS09/10
- Side-Channel Analysis (P4): SS20
- Software Security for Mobile Devices (P4): SS12, SS13
Graduate Seminars
- Analysis of Security Protocols (S2): WS08/09
- Attacker Models in IT Security (S2): SS20
- Computer Security Foundations (S2): WS15/16, WS16/17
- Current Tools for Language-Based Security (S2): WS14/15
- Current Topics in Concurrency and Parallelism (S2): SS16, SS18, WS20/21, SS21
- Current Topics in Information Flow Control (S2): WS11/12, WS12/13
- Current Topics in Information Flow Security (S2): SS15
- Current Topics in Secure Usage (S2): SS13, SS17, SS19
- Current Topics in Usage Control (S2): SS11, SS12, SS17, SS19
- Current Topics on Multicore Semantics (S2): WS13/14
- Current Topics in Program Semantics (S2): WS17/18
- Current Topics of Modular Verficiation (S2): WS19/20
- Formal Methods for Security Engineering (S2): SS10
- Formal Specification and Verification (S2): WS15/16, WS16/17, SS21, SS22
- Formal Specification (S2): WS07/08, WS08/09, WS09/10, WS10/11, WS11/12, WS12/13, WS13/14, WS14/15, SS20
- Formal Specification and Analysis (S2): SS08
- Network Security (S2): SS07
- Probabilistic Models (S2): WS07/08
- Proof-Carrying Code (S2): SS08, SS10, SS11
- Side-Channel Attacks on Software (S2): SS15, SS16, SS17, SS19, WS20/21
- Software Security for Mobile Devices (S2): SS12, SS13, WS19/20
- Static and Dynamic Program Analysis (S2): WS09/10
Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung)
- Formal Methods and Information Security/Theoretical Computer Science: SS07
- Formal Methods (jointly with H. Veith and C. Walther): WS07/08, SS08, WS08/09, SS09, WS09/10, SS10
- MAIS Graduate Seminar: WS09/10, SS10, WS10/11, SS11, WS11/12, SS12, WS12/13, SS13, WS13/14, WS14/15, SS15, WS15/16, SS16, WS16/17, SS17, WS17/18, SS18, SS19, WS19/20, SS20, WS20/21, SS21, WS21/22, SS22
- Long-Term Security: SS07 (jointly with Prof. Dr. J. Buchmann, Prof. Dr. C. Eckert)
- CASED Distinguished Lectures Series: SS09, WS09/10, SS10, WS10/11, SS11, WS11/12, SS12
Teaching at RWTH Aachen (WS05/06-WS06/07)
- Formal Methods for Information Security (3+1), lecture with tutorial, SS06
Graduate Seminars
- Formal Methods for Information Security - Advanced Topics (S2): WS06/07
- Quantitative Aspects of Computer Security (S2): WS06/07
- Current Topics in Information Security (S2): WS05/06
- Network Security (S2): WS05/06
- Security Engineering: WS05/06, SS06, WS06/07
Teaching at ETH Zurich (WS03/04-SS05)
Tutorials for Undergraduate-Level Lectures
- Language-based Security (2+0), lecture without tutorial, SS05
- Security Engineering (2+2), lecture with tutorial, WS04/05 (jointly with Dr. A. Pretschner)
- Formal Methods for Information Security (2+2), lecture with tutorial, SS04(jointly with PD. Dr. L. Vigano)
- Computer Science 3, exercises, undergraduate-level, WS03/04
Teaching at Saarland University
Tutorials for Graduate-Level Lectures
- Security Engineering (S2), undergraduate-level seminar, SS02 (jointly with Prof. J. Siekmann, PD. Dr. W. Stephan, R. Vogt)
- Ausgewaehlte Themen der Computersicherheit (S2), WS00/01 (jointly with Dr. D. Hutter)
- Adaequatheit Logischer Spezifikationsformalismen (S2), WS97/98, (jointly with S. Autexier)
- Einfuehrung in die Methoden der KI, exercises, graduate-level, SS97