Dr. Henning Sudbrock

Henning Sudbrock

This is the former webpage of Dr. Henning Sudbrock.

After graduating in mathematics at the TU Darmstadt I joined the Security Engineering Group of Prof. Heiko Mantel at RWTH Aachen University. The group moved to the TU Darmstadt in 2007 and is by now known by the name "Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems".

My research interests are:

  • Language-based Security; Static security analysis
  • Security Engineering
  • Covert Channel Analysis and Mitigation



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  • Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock. Types vs. PDGs in Information Flow Analysis. In Pre-Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2012), 2012.
    BibTeX entry ]
  • Martin Ochoa, Sebastian Pape, Thomas Ruhroth, Barbara Sprick, Kurt Stenzel and Henning Sudbrock. Report on the RS3 Topic Workshop ``Security Properties in Software Engineering''. Universität Augsburg, Technical Report 2012-02, 2012.
    BibTeX entry ]









Unpublished Appendices / proofs:

  • RS³ Best Paper Award (Theory) 2010/2011 (for the paper "Assumptions and Guarantees for Compositional Noninterference" by Heiko Mantel, David Sands, and Henning Sudbrock, which appeared at CSF 2011, for Bibtex entry see above)

Supervised Students:

  • Oliver Bracevac: "Verhaltensintegrität von Programmen unter nebenläufigen Dateisystemzugriffen" (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Richard Gay: "Interrupt-related Covert Channels from an Attacker's Perspective" (Diploma Thesis) 
  • Sylvia Grüner: "Formale Spezifikation von Sicherheitsanforderungen mit MAKS in Isabelle/HOL" (Bachelor Thesis)
  • Tobias Plötz: "Vertraulichkeit von Werten im Modular Assembly Kit for Security" (Bachelor Thesis)

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