@InProceedings{ mantel:information, author = {Heiko Mantel}, title = {Information Flow and Noninterference}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (3rd Ed.)}, year = 2024, url = {http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27739-9_874-2}, note = {(to appear, preprint available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27739-9_874-2)} } @InProceedings{ mantel:information:a, author = {Heiko Mantel}, title = {Information Flow Policies}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (3rd Ed.)}, year = 2024, url = {http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27739-9_1541-1}, note = {(to appear, preprint available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27739-9_1541-1)} } @InProceedings{ mantel.schmidt.ea:hycami, author = {Heiko Mantel and Joachim Schmidt and Thomas Schneider and Maximilian Stillger and Tim Wei\"smantel and Hossein Yalame}, title = {HyCaMi: High-Level Synthesis for Cache Side-Channel Mitigation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 61st Design Automation Conference (DAC)}, year = 2024, note = {(to appear)} } @InProceedings{ gehring.mantel:towards, author = {Maximilian Gehring and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Towards A More Sustainable Re-Engineering Of Heterogeneous Distributed Systems Using Cooperating Run-Time Monitors}, booktitle = {International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA)}, year = 2024, note = {(to appear)}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2024/2024-ISoLA-GehringMantel.pdf} } @InProceedings{ demeyer.hahnle.ea:automating:a, author = {Serge Demeyer and Reiner H\"ahnle and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Automating Software Re-engineering - Introduction to the ISoLA 2022 Track}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods (ISoLA)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2022, pages = {195--200} } @Article{ dewald.rohde.ea:improving, author = {Florian Dewald and Johanna Rohde and Christian Hochberger and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Improving Loop Parallelization by a Combination of Static and Dynamic Analyses in HLS}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems}, year = 2022, url = {http://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3501801} } @TechReport{ edlund.mantel.ea:graphical, author = {Martin Edlund and Heiko Mantel and Alexandra Weber and Tim Wei\"smantel}, title = {Graphical User Interfaces for a Qualitative and a Quantitative Side-Channel Analysis Tool}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2022, url = {http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/20262/} } @InProceedings{ czappa.calotoiu.ea:design-time, author = {Fabian Czappa and Alexandru Calotoiu and Thomas H\"ohl and Heiko Mantel and Toni Nguyen and Felix Wolf}, title = {Design-Time Performance Modeling of Compositional Parallel Programs}, booktitle = {Parallel Computing, Elsevier}, year = 2021, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167819121000855} } @InProceedings{ lehr.bischof.ea:tool-supported, author = {Jan-Patrick Lehr and Christian Bischof and Florian Dewald and Heiko Mantel and Mohammad Norouzi and Felix Wolf}, title = {Tool-Supported Mini-App Extraction to Facilitate Program Analysis and Parallelization}, booktitle = {International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)}, year = 2021, url = {http://doi.org/10.1145/3472456.3472521} } @TechReport{ mantel.weber:towards, author = {Heiko Mantel and Alexandra Weber}, title = {Towards Leakage Bounds for Side Channels based on Caches and Pipelined Executions}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2021, url = {http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/19755/} } @TechReport{ mantel.weismantel.ea:comparative, author = {Heiko Mantel and Tim Wei\"smantel and Marc Fischlin and Alexandra Weber}, title = {A Comparative Study of Cache Side Channels across AES Implementations and Modes of Operation}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2021, url = {http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/19753/} } @InProceedings{ weber.nikiforov.ea:cache-side-channel, author = {Alexandra Weber and Oleg Nikiforov and Alexander Sauer and Johannes Schickel and Gernot Alber and Heiko Mantel and Thomas Walther}, title = {Cache-Side-Channel Quantification and Mitigation for Quantum Cryptography}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)}, year = 2021, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2021/2021-ESORCIS-WeberNikiforovSauerSchickelAlberMantelWalther.pdf} } @InProceedings{ demeyer.hahnle.ea:automating, author = {Serge Demeyer and Reiner H\"ahnle and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Automating Software Re-engineering, Introduction to the ISoLA 2020 Track}, booktitle = {International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA)}, year = 2020 } @InProceedings{ jakobs.mantel:unifying, author = {Marie-Christine Jakobs and Heiko Mantel}, title = {A Unifying Framework for Dynamic Monitoring and a Taxonomy of Optimizations}, booktitle = {International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA)}, year = 2020, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2020/2020-ISoLA-JakobsMantel.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.scheidel.ea:ricasi, author = {Heiko Mantel and Lukas Scheidel and Thomas Schneider and Alexandra Weber and Christian Weinert and Tim Wei\"smantel}, title = {RiCaSi: Rigorous Cache Side Channel Mitigation via Selective Circuit Compilation}, booktitle = {International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS)}, year = 2020, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2020/2020-CANS-MantelScheidelSchneiderWeberWeinertWeissmantel.pdf} } @InProceedings{ calotoiu.hohl.ea:designing, author = {Alexandru Calotoiu and Thomas H\"ohl and Heiko Mantel and Toni Nguyen and Felix Wolf}, title = {Designing Efficient Parallel Software via Compositional Performance Modeling}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools 19)}, year = 2019, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2019/2019-ProTools-CalotoiuHoehlMantelNguyenWolf.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel:from, author = {Heiko Mantel}, title = {From Attacker Models to Reliable Security}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS)}, year = 2019, pages = {547-548}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2019/2019-AsiaCCS-Mantel.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.probst:on, author = {Heiko Mantel and Christian Probst}, title = {On the Meaning and Purpose of Attack Trees}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, year = 2019, pages = {184-199}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2019/2019-CSF-Mantel-Probst.pdf} } @Article{ bracevac.gay.ea:isabellehol, author = {Oliver Bracevac and Richard Gay and Sylvia Grewe and Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock and Markus Tasch}, title = {An Isabelle/HOL Formalization of the Modular Assembly Kit for Security Properties}, journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs}, year = 2018 } @InProceedings{ dantas.gay.ea:evaluation, author = {Yuri Gil Dantas and Richard Gay and Tobias Hamann and Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel}, title = {An Evaluation of Bucketing in Systems with Non-Deterministic Timing Behavior}, booktitle = {33rd IFIP TC-11 SEC 2018 International Conference on Information Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC)}, year = 2018, pages = {323-338}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/2018-IFIPSEC-DantasGayHamannMantelSchickel.pdf} } @InProceedings{ dantas.hamann.ea:comparative, author = {Yuri Gil Dantas and Tobias Hamann and Heiko Mantel}, title = {A Comparative Study across Static and Dynamic Side-Channel Countermeasures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS)}, year = 2018, pages = {173-189}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/2018-FPS-DantasHamannMantel.pdf} } @Misc{ dewald.mantel.ea:poster, author = {Florian Dewald and Heiko Mantel and Alexandra Weber}, title = {Poster: Side-Channel Finder for AVR}, howpublished = {Poster at the 20th International Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES)}, year = 2018, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/DewaldMantelWeber-SideChannelFinderForAVR.pdf} } @TechReport{ grewe.mantel.ea:i-maks, author = {Sylvia Grewe and Heiko Mantel and Markus Tasch and Richard Gay and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {I-MAKS A Framework for Information-Flow Security in Isabelle/HOL}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2018, number = {TUD-CS-2018-0056}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/TUD-CS-2018-0056-I-MAKS-Tr.pdf} } @InProceedings{ hamann.herda.ea:uniform, author = {Tobias Hamann and Mihai Herda and Heiko Mantel and Martin Mohr and David Schneider and Markus Tasch}, title = {A Uniform Information-Flow-Security Benchmark Suite for Source Code and Bytecode}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23nd Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec)}, year = 2018, pages = {437-453}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/2018-NordSec-HamannHerdaMantelMohrSchneiderTasch-.pdf} } @InProceedings{ hamann.mantel:decentralized, author = {Tobias Hamann and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Decentralized Dynamic Security Enforcement for Mobile Applications with CliSeAuDroid}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS)}, year = 2018, pages = {29-45}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/2018-FPS-HamannMantel.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.schickel.ea:how, author = {Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel and Alexandra Weber and Friedrich Weber}, title = {How Secure is Green IT? The Case of Software-Based Energy Side Channels}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)}, year = 2018, pages = {218-239}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/2018-ESORICS-MantelSchickelWeberWeber-.pdf} } @TechReport{ nikiforov.sauer.ea:side-channel, author = {Oleg Nikiforov and Alexander Sauer and Johannes Schickel and Alexandra Weber and Gernot Alber and Heiko Mantel and Thomas Walther}, title = {Side-Channel Analysis of Privacy Amplification in Postprocessing Software for a Quantum Key Distribution System}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2018, number = {TUD-CS-2018-0024}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2018/SideChannelAnalysisofPrivacyAmplificationinPostprocessingSoftwareforaQuatumKeyDistributionSystem.pdf} } @TechReport{ tr:BauereissGreinerHerdaKirstenLiMantelMohrPernerSchneiderTasch2017, author = {Thomas Bauerei\"s and Simon Greiner and Mihai Herda and Michael Kirsten and Ximeng Li and Heiko Mantel and Martin Mohr and Matthias Perner and David Schneider and Markus Tasch}, title = {RIFL 1.1: A Common Specification Language for Information-Flow Requirements}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2017, number = {TUD-CS-2017-0225}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/RIFL1.1-TechnicalReport.pdf} } @TechReport{ bindel.buchmann.ea:bounding:b, author = {Nina Bindel and Johannes Buchmann and Juliane Kr\"amer and Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel and Alexandra Weber}, title = {Bounding the cache-side-channel leakage of lattice-based signature schemes using program semantics}, institution = {Cryptology ePrint Archive}, year = 2017, note = {http://eprint.iacr.org/2017/951}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/Report-BoundingTheCacheSideChannelLeakageOfLatticeBasedSignatureSchemesUsingProgramSemantics.pdf} } @InProceedings{ bindel.buchmann.ea:bounding, author = {Nina Bindel and Johannes Buchmann and Juliane Kr\"amer and Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel and Alexandra Weber}, title = {Bounding the cache-side-channel leakage of lattice-based signature schemes using program semantics}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS)}, year = 2017, pages = {225-241}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/2017-FPS-BindelBunchmannKraemerMantelSchickelWeber.pdf} } @InProceedings{ dantas.hamann.ea:experimental, author = {Yuri Gil Dantas and Tobias Hamann and Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel}, title = {An Experimental Study of a Bucketing Approach (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems (QAPL)}, year = 2017 } @InProceedings{ dewald.mantel.ea:avr, author = {Florian Dewald and Heiko Mantel and Alexandra Weber}, title = {AVR Processors as a Platform for Language-Based Security}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)}, year = 2017, pages = {427-445}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/2017-ESORICS-DewaldMantelWeber-AVR.pdf} } @InProceedings{ gay.hu.ea:relationship-based, author = {Richard Gay and Jinwei Hu and Heiko Mantel and Sogol Mazaheri}, title = {Relationship-Based Access Control for Resharing in Decentralized Online Social Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS)}, year = 2017, pages = {18-34}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/2017-ReBAC-Resharing-DecentralizedOnlineSocialNetworks.pdf} } @InProceedings{ gay.hu.ea:towards, author = {Richard Gay and Jinwei Hu and Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel}, title = {Towards Accelerated Usage Control based on Access Correlations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec)}, year = 2017, pages = { 245-261}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/2017-NordSec-GayHuMantelSchickel.pdf} } @TechReport{ hermann.li.ea:requirements, author = {Ben Hermann and Ximeng Li and Heiko Mantel and Mira Mezini and Markus Tasch and Florian Wendel}, title = {Requirements for a Specification Language for Data and Information Flow, and A Literature Review of Analytical and Constructive Research on the Java Native Interface}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2017, number = {TUD-CS-2017-0025}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/CRISP-Requirements-LiteratureReview.pdf} } @TechReport{ li.mantel.ea:spasca, author = {Ximeng Li and Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel and Markus Tasch and Iva Toteva and Alexandra Weber}, title = {SPASCA: Secure-Programming Assistant and Side-Channel Analyzer}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2017, number = {TUD-CS-2017-0303}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/SPASCA-tech-report.pdf} } @InProceedings{ li.mantel.ea:taming, author = {Ximeng Li and Heiko Mantel and Markus Tasch}, title = {Taming Message-passing Communication in Compositional Reasoning about Confidentiality}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS)}, year = 2017, pages = {45-66}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/2017-APLAS-LiMantelTasch-.pdf} } @TechReport{ mantel.schickel.ea:vulnerabilities, author = {Heiko Mantel and Johannes Schickel and Alexandra Weber and Friedrich Weber}, title = {Vulnerabilities Introduced by Features for Software-based Energy Measurement}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2017, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/EnergySC-TechReport.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.weber.ea:systematic, author = {Heiko Mantel and Alexandra Weber and Boris K\"opf}, title = {A Systematic Study of Cache Side Channels across AES Implementations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS)}, year = 2017, pages = {213-230}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2017/2017-ESSoS-MantelWeberKoepf-.pdf} } @Misc{ poster:SSMDUsenix-2016, author = {Steven Arzt and Alexandre Bartel and Richard Gay and Steffen Lortz and Enrico Lovat and Heiko Mantel and Martin Mohr and Benedikt Nordhoff and Matthias Perner and Siegfried Rasthofer and David Schneider and Gregor Snelting and Artem Starostin and Alexandra Weber}, title = {{Software Security for Mobile Devices}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 25th USENIX Security Symposium}, year = 2016 } @InProceedings{ basin.caronni.ea:scalable, author = {David Basin and Germano Caronni and Sarah Ereth and Matus Harvan and Felix Klaedtke and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Scalable Offline Monitoring of Temporal Specifications}, booktitle = {Formal Methods in System Design 49 (1-2)}, year = 2016, pages = {75-108} } @Misc{ poster:WWMSUsenix-2016, author = {Thomas Bauereiss and Abhishek Bichhawat and Iulia Bolosteanu and Peter Faymonville and Bernd Finkbeiner and Deepak Garg and Richard Gay and Sergey Grebenshchikov and Christian Hammer and Dieter Hutter and Ondřej Kunčar and Peter Lammich and Heiko Mantel and Christian M\"uller and Andrei Popescu and Markus Rabe and Vineet Rajani and Helmut Seidl and Markus Tasch and Leander Tentrup}, title = {{Security in Web-Based Workflows}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 25th USENIX Security Symposium}, year = 2016 } @Misc{ poster:EVotingUsenix-2016, author = {Daniel Bruns and Huy Quoc Do and Simon Greiner and Mihai Herda and Martin Mohr and Enrico Scapin and Tomasz Truderung and Bernhard Beckert and Ralf K\"usters and Heiko Mantel and Richard Gay}, title = {{Security in E-Voting}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 25th USENIX Security Symposium}, year = 2016 } @Misc{ lortz.mantel.ea:certifying, author = {Steffen Lortz and Heiko Mantel and David Schneider and Artem Starostin and Timo B\"ahr and Alexandra Weber}, title = {Certifying the Security of Android Applications with Cassandra}, howpublished = {Work-in-Progress Report at the 25th USENIX Security Symposium}, year = 2016 } @Misc{ poster:SSMDSandP-2015, author = {Steven Arzt and Alexandre Bartel and Richard Gay and Steffen Lortz and Enrico Lovat and Heiko Mantel and Martin Mohr and Benedikt Nordhoff and Matthias Perner and Siegfried Rasthofer and David Schneider and Gregor Snelting and Artem Starostin and Alexandra Weber}, title = {{Software Security for Mobile Devices}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)}, year = 2015 } @InProceedings{ askarov.chong.ea:hybrid, author = {Aslan Askarov and Stephen Chong and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Hybrid Monitors for Concurrent Noninterference}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, month = {July}, year = 2015, pages = {137-151}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2015/2015-CSF-AskarovChongMantel.pdf} } @Misc{ poster:WWMSSandP-2015, author = {Thomas Bauereiss and Abhishek Bichhawat and Iulia Bolosteanu and Peter Faymonville and Bernd Finkbeiner and Deepak Garg and Richard Gay and Sergey Grebenshchikov and Christian Hammer and Dieter Hutter and Ondřej Kunčar and Peter Lammich and Heiko Mantel and Christian M\"uller and Andrei Popescu and Markus Rabe and Vineet Rajani and Helmut Seidl and Markus Tasch and Leander Tentrup}, title = {{Security in Web-Based Workflows}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)}, year = 2015 } @Misc{ poster:EVotingSandP-2015, author = {Daniel Bruns and Huy Quoc Do and Simon Greiner and Mihai Herda and Martin Mohr and Enrico Scapin and Tomasz Truderung and Bernhard Beckert and Ralf K\"usters and Heiko Mantel and Richard Gay}, title = {{Security in E-Voting}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)}, year = 2015 } @InProceedings{ dominik-bollmann:automatic, author = {Dominik Bollmann, Steffen Lortz, Heiko Mantel, Artem Starostin}, title = {An Automatic Inference of Minimal Security Types}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS)}, year = 2015, pages = {395-415}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2015/2015-ICISS-BollmannLortzMantelStarostin-.pdf} } @Article{ ar:GayMantelSudbrock2015a, author = {Richard Gay and Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {{An Empirical Bandwidth Analysis of Interrupt-Related Covert Channels}}, journal = {International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE)}, editor = {A. Aldini and F. Martinelli and N. Suri}, year = 2015, pages = {1--22}, volume = {6}, number = {2} } @InProceedings{ hu.mantel.ea:enforcing, author = {Jinwei Hu and Heiko Mantel and Sebastian Ruhleder}, title = {Enforcing Usage Constraints on Credentials for Web Applications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th International Information Security and Privacy Conference (IFIP SEC)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2015, pages = {112-125}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2015/2015-IFIPSEC-HuMantelRuhleder-.pdf} } @Misc{ shorttalk:SandP-2015, author = {Steffen Lortz and Heiko Mantel and David Schneider and Artem Starostin and Timo B\"ahr and Alexandra Weber}, title = {Certifying the Security of Android Applications with Cassandra}, howpublished = {Short Talk at the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)}, year = 2015 } @InProceedings{ mantel.muller-olm.ea:using:a, author = {Heiko Mantel and Markus M\"uller-Olm and Matthias Perner and Alexander Wenner}, title = {Using Dynamic Pushdown Networks to Automate a Modular Information-Flow Analysis}, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of the 25th Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2015, pages = {201-217}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2015/2015-LOPSTR-MantelOlmPernerWenner.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.muller-olm.ea:using, author = {Heiko Mantel and Markus M\"uller-Olm and Matthias Perner and Alexander Wenner}, title = {Using Dynamic Pushdown Networks to Automate a Modular Information-Flow Analysis}, booktitle = {Pre-Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR)}, year = 2015, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2015/2015-LOPSTR-MantelOlmPernerWenner-.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.starostin:transforming, author = {Heiko Mantel and Artem Starostin}, title = {Transforming Out Timing Leaks, More or Less}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) - Part I}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2015, pages = {447-467}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2015/2015-ESORICS-MantelStarostin-.pdf} } @InProceedings{ basin.caronni.ea:scalable:a, author = {David Basin and Germano Caronni and Sarah Ereth and Matúš Harvan and Felix Klaedtke and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Scalable Offline Monitoring}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV)}, year = 2014, pages = {31-47}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/2014-RV-ScalableOfflineMonitoring-.pdf} } @TechReport{ ereth.mantel.ea:towards, author = {Sarah Ereth and Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner}, title = {Towards a Common Specification Language for Information-Flow Security in RS3 and Beyond: RIFL 1.0 - The Language}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2014, number = {TUD-CS-2014-0115}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/RIFL1.0-TechnicalReport-Revision1.pdf} } @InProceedings{ inp:GayHuMantel2014a, author = {Richard Gay and Jinwei Hu and Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS)}, title = {{CliSeAu: Securing Distributed Java Programs by Cooperative Dynamic Enforcement}}, year = 2014, pages = {378--398}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 8880}, pdf = {http://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/2014-GayHuMantel-CliSeAu.pdf} } @Misc{ gay.hu.ea:coordinating, author = {Richard Gay and Jinwei Hu and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Coordinating Distributed Security Enforcement}, howpublished = {Short Talk at the 27th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, year = 2014 } @Article{ Strong_Security-AFP, author = {Sylvia Grewe and Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel and Jens Sauer}, title = {A Formalization of Strong Security}, journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs}, month = apr, year = 2014, note = {\url{http://afp.sf.net/entries/Strong_Security.shtml}, Formal proof development}, issn = {2150-914x} } @Article{ WHATandWHERE_Security-AFP, author = {Sylvia Grewe and Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel and Jens Sauer}, title = {A Formalization of Declassification with WHAT-and-WHERE-Security}, journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs}, month = apr, year = 2014, note = {\url{http://afp.sf.net/entries/WHATandWHERE_Security.shtml}, Formal proof development}, issn = {2150-914x} } @Article{ SIFUM_Type_Systems-AFP, author = {Sylvia Grewe and Heiko Mantel and Daniel Schoepe}, title = {A Formalization of Assumptions and Guarantees for Compositional Noninterference}, journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs}, month = apr, year = 2014, note = {\url{http://afp.sf.net/entries/SIFUM_Type_Systems.shtml}, Formal proof development}, issn = {2150-914x} } @TechReport{ tr:LortzMantelStarostinWeber2014, author = {Steffen Lortz and Heiko Mantel and Artem Starostin and Alexandra Weber}, title = {{A Sound Information-Flow Analysis for Cassandra}}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2014, month = {March}, number = {TUD-CS-2014-0064}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/Cassandra-TR-03-2014.pdf} } @TechReport{ tr:LortzMantelStarostinBaehrSchneider2014, author = {Steffen Lortz and Heiko Mantel and Artem Starostin and Timo B{\"a}hr and David Schneider}, title = {{Cassandra: Towards a Certifying App Store}}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2014, month = {May}, number = {TUD-CS-2014-0117}, pdf = {http://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/Cassandra-Tool-TR-05-2014.pdf} } @InProceedings{ inp:LortzMantelStarostinBaehrSchneiderWeber2014, author = {Steffen Lortz and Heiko Mantel and Artem Starostin and Timo B{\"a}hr and David Schneider and Alexandra Weber}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices (SPSM)}, title = {{Cassandra: Towards a Certifying App Store for Android}}, publisher = {ACM}, year = 2014, pdf = {http://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/LortzMantelStarostinBaehrSchneiderWeber-SPSM14.pdf}, pages = {93--104} } @TechReport{ tr:MantelPernerSauer2014a, author = {Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner and Jens Sauer}, title = {{Noninterference under Weak Memory Models (Progress Report)}}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2014, month = {March}, number = {TUD-CS-2014-0062}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/Noninterference_under_Weak_Memory_Models_(Progress_Report).pdf} } @InProceedings{ inp:MantelPernerSauer2014a, author = {Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner and Jens Sauer}, title = {Noninterference under Weak Memory Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, year = 2014, pages = {80--94}, pdf = {http://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/CSF2014-MantelPernerSauer.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.perner.ea:noninterference, author = {Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner and Jens Sauer}, title = {Noninterference under Weak Memory Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, year = 2014, pages = {80-94}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2014/2014-CSF-MantelPernerSauer-.pdf} } @Book{ mantel:special, editor = {Heiko Mantel}, title = {Special Issue: Reliably Secure Software Systems}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, series = {it - Information Technology}, volume = 56, number = 6, month = {December}, year = 2014, url = {http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/itit.2014.56.issue-6/issue-files/itit.2014.56.issue-6.xml} } @TechReport{ TUD-CS-2013-0180, author = {Markus Aderhold and Alexander Gebhardt and Heiko Mantel}, title = {{Choosing a Formalism for Secure Coding: FSM vs. LTL}}, year = 2013, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, number = {TUD-CS-2013-0180}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2013/TUD-CS-2013-0180-SecureCodingFormalism.pdf} } @InProceedings{ inp:GayMantelSudbrock2013a, author = {Richard Gay and Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {An Empirical Bandwidth Analysis of Interrupt-Related Covert Channels}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects in Security Assurance (QASA)}, year = 2013, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2013/2013-GayMantelSudbrock-EmpiricalIRCC.pdf} } @TechReport{ harvan.basin.ea:checking, author = {Mat\'uš Harvan and David Basin and Germano Caronni and Sarah Ereth and Felix Klaedtke and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Checking System Compliance by Slicing and Monitoring Logs}, institution = {ETH Zurich}, year = 2013, number = 791, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2013/eth-7228-01.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.sudbrock:types:b, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {Types vs. PDGs in Information Flow Analysis}, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2012)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2013, series = {LNCS 7844}, pages = {106--121}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2013/LOPSTR2012-MantelSudbrock.pdf} } @InProceedings{ inp:GayMantelSprick2012a, author = {Richard Gay and Heiko Mantel and Barbara Sprick}, title = {Service Automata}, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST 2011)}, year = 2012, pages = {148--163}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 7140}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2012/2012-FAST-GayMantelSprick-ServiceAutomata.pdf} } @TechReport{ lux.mantel.ea:scheduler-independent:b, author = {Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner}, title = {Scheduler-Independent Declassification}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2012, number = {TUD-CS-2012-0061}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2012/TUD-CS-2012-0061.pdf} } @InProceedings{ lux.mantel.ea:scheduler-independent, author = {Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner}, title = {Scheduler-Independent Declassification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2012, series = {LNCS 7342}, pages = {25--47}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2012/LuxMantelPerner_MPC2012.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.sudbrock:types, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {Types vs. PDGs in Information Flow Analysis}, booktitle = {Pre-Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2012)}, address = {Leuven, Belgium}, year = 2012 } @Proceedings{ aderholdautexiermantel:2010, editor = {Markus Aderhold and Serge Autexier and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Proceedings of the 6th International Verification Workshop (VERIFY 2010)}, address = {Edinburgh, UK}, note = {Workshop in connection with the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2010)}, series = {EPiC Series in Computer Science}, volume = {3}, year = 2012 } @InProceedings{ inp:GayMantelSprick2011a, author = {Richard Gay and Heiko Mantel and Barbara Sprick}, title = {Service Automata}, booktitle = {Pre-Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST 2011)}, year = 2011, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2011/2011-FAST-GayMantelSprick-ServiceAutomata.pdf} } @Article{ mantel:information:2011, author = {Heiko Mantel}, journal = {Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (2nd Ed.)}, title = {Information Flow and Noninterference}, year = 2011, publisher = {Springer}, editor = {Henk C.A. van Tilborg and Sushil Jajodia}, pages = {605-607} } @InProceedings{ mantel.sands.ea:assumptions, author = {Heiko Mantel and David Sands and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {Assumptions and Guarantees for Compositional Noninterference}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Cernay-la-Ville, France}, year = 2011, pages = {218-232}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2011/2011-CSF-MantelSandsSudbrock-AssumptionsAndGuaranteesForCompositionalNoninterference.pdf} } @TechReport{ aderhold.ea:exemplary:2010, address = {Germany}, author = {Markus Aderhold and Jorge Cu{\'e}llar and Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, number = {TUD-CS-2010-0060}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2010/2010_TUD-CS-2010-0060-SecureCoding.pdf}, title = {Exemplary Formalization of Secure Coding Guidelines}, year = 2010 } @Misc{ poster:ServiceAutomataACSAC-2010, author = {Richard Gay and Heiko Mantel and Barbara Sprick}, title = {{Service Automata for Secure Distributed Systems}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 26th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC)}, year = 2010 } @TechReport{ lux.mantel.ea:side:b, author = {Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel and Matthias Perner and Artem Starostin}, title = {Side Channel Finder (Version 1.0)}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, month = {October}, year = 2010, number = {TUD-CS-2010-0155}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2010/20101006SideChannelFinder_published.pdf} } @Article{ ar:Sicherheitsgarantien-2010, author = {Heiko Mantel}, title = {{Sicherheitsgarantien zuverl\"assig nachweisen}}, journal = {forschen}, year = 2010, number = 2, pages = {66--70} } @InProceedings{ mantel.sudbrock:flexible, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {Flexible Scheduler-Independent Security}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2010, series = {LNCS 6345}, pages = {116--133}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2010/WebversionMantelSudbrock.pdf} } @InProceedings{ lux.ea:who:2009, author = {Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2008)}, editor = {P. Degano and J. Guttman and F. Martinelli}, pages = {35--49}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2009/2008FAST-LuxMantel-web-postproceedings.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {Who Can Declassify?}, volume = 5491, year = 2009 } @InProceedings{ lux.ea:declassification:2009, author = {Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)}, editor = {Michael Backes and Peng Ning}, pages = {69--85}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2009/0_2009-ESORICS-LuxMantel-Webversion.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {Declassification with Explicit Reference Points}, volume = 5789, year = 2009 } @InProceedings{ mantel.sudbrock:information-theoretic, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, editor = {P. Degano and J. Guttman and F. Martinelli}, title = {Information-Theoretic Modeling and Analysis of Interrupt-Related Covert Channels}, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2008)}, year = 2009, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 5491}, pages = {67--81}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2009/2008FAST-HMHS-Postproceedings-Webversion.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.sudbrock:increasing, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {Increasing the Precision of the Combining Calculus (Extended Abstract)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Programming Language Interference and Dependence (PLID)}, year = 2009 } @InProceedings{ lux.mantel:who, author = {Alexander Lux and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Who Can Declassify?}, booktitle = {Pre-Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2008)}, year = 2008, pages = {35--49}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2008/0_2008FASTLuxMantel_forWebsite.pdf} } @InProceedings{ mantel.sudbrock:information-theoretic:b, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, title = {Information-Theoretic Modeling and Analysis of Interrupt-Related Covert Channels}, booktitle = {Pre-Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2008)}, year = 2008, pages = {67--81}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2008/mantelsudbrock-fast2008-preproceedings.pdf} } @TechReport{ molter.shao.ea:designing, author = {H. Gregor Molter and Hui Shao and Henning Sudbrock and Sorin A. Huss and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Designing a Coprocessor for Interrupt Handling on an FPGA}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, year = 2008, number = {TUD-CS-2008-1103}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2008/0_TUD-CS-2008-1103.pdf} } @Book{ autexier.ea:special:2008, editor = {Serge Autexier and Heiko Mantel and Stephan Merz and Tobias Nipkow}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}, volume = 41, number = {3--4}, title = {Special Issue on Formal Modeling and Verification of Critical Systems}, year = 2008, url = {http://link.springer.com/journal/10817/41/3/page/1} } @Article{ hutter.ea:security-of-multiagent-systems--a-case-study-on-comparison-shopping:2007, author = {Dieter Hutter and Heiko Mantel and Ina Schaefer and Axel Schairer}, journal = {Journal of Applied Logic (JAL)}, title = {{Security of Multi-agent Systems: A Case Study on Comparison Shopping}}, pages = {303--332}, volume = 5, number = 2, year = 2007 } @Article{ kopf.ea:transformational:2007, author = {Boris K\"opf and Heiko Mantel}, journal = {International Journal of Information Security (IJIS)}, title = {Transformational Typing and Unification for Automatically Correcting Insecure Programs}, pages = {107--131}, volume = 6, number = {2-3}, year = 2007 } @TechReport{ krauer.ea:probabilistic:2007, author = {Tina Krau\ss{}er and Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, institution = {RWTH Aachen}, month = {May}, number = {2007-09}, title = {A Probabilistic Justification of the Combining Calculus under the Uniform Scheduler Assumption}, year = 2007 } @InProceedings{ mantel.ea:controlling:2007, abstract = {While a rigorous information flow analysis is a key step in obtaining meaningful end-to-end confidentiality guarantees, one must also permit possibilities for declassification.Sabelfeld and Sands categorized the existing approaches to controlling declassification in their overview along four dimensions and according to four prudent principles.In this article, we propose three novel security conditions for controlling the dimensions where and what, and we explain why these conditions constitute improvements over prior approaches. Moreover, we present a type-based security analysis and, as another novelty, prove a soundness result that considers more than one dimension of declassification.}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Alexander Reinhard}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP)}, editor = {Rocco De Nicola}, isbn = {978-3-540-71314-2}, pages = {141--156}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2007/2007ESOPMantelReinhard_forWebsite.pdf}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {Controlling the What and Where of Declassification in Language-Based Security}, volume = 4421, year = 2007 } @InProceedings{ mantel.ea:comparing:2007, abstract = {Interrupt-driven communication with hardware devices can be exploited for establishing covert channels. In this article, we propose an information-theoretic framework for analyzing the bandwidth of such interrupt-related channels while taking aspects of noise into account. As countermeasures, we present mechanisms that are already implemented in some operating systems, though for a different purpose. Based on our formal framework, the effectiveness of the mechanisms is evaluated. Despite the large body of work on covert channels, this is the first comprehensive account of interrupt-related covert channelanalysis and mitigation.}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)}, pages = {326--340}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2007/CSF07-MantelSudbrock.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {Comparing Countermeasures against Interrupt-Related Covert Channels in an Information-Theoretic Framework}, year = 2007 } @InProceedings{ mantel.sudbrock.ea:combining, author = {Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock and Tina Krau\"ser}, editor = {German Puebla}, title = {Combining Different Proof Techniques for Verifying Information Flow Security}, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2006)}, pages = {94--110}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2007, series = {LNCS}, volume = 4407, abstract = {When giving a program access to secret information, one must ensure that the program does not leak the secrets to untrusted sinks. For reducing the complexity of such an information flow analysis, one can employ compositional proof techniques. In this article, we present a new approach to analyzing information flow security in a compositional manner. Instead of committing to a proof technique at the beginning of a verification, this choice is made during verification with the option of flexibly migrating to another proof technique. Our approachalso increases the precision of compositional reasoning in comparisonto the traditional approach. We illustrate the advantages in twoexemplary security analyses, on the semantic level and on thesyntactic level.}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2007/0_MantelSudbrockKrausser.pdf} } @Proceedings{ barthe.ea:executive:2007, editor = {Gilles Barthe and Heiko Mantel and Peter M\"uller and Andrew C. Myers and Andrei Sabelfeld}, publisher = {Dagstuhl}, title = {Executive Summary and Abstracts Collection of Seminar 0709: Mobility, Ubiquity, and Security}, year = 2007 } @Proceedings{ gligor.ea:proceedings:2007, address = {Fairfax, USA}, editor = {Virgil D. Gligor and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering: From Specifications to Code (FMSE)}, year = 2007 } @InProceedings{ heiko-mantel-and-henning-sudbrock-and-tina-krauer:combining-different-proof-techniques-for-verifying-information-flow-security:2006, abstract = {When giving a program access to secret information, one must ensure that the program does not leak the secrets to untrusted sinks. For reducing the complexity of such an information flow analysis, one can employ compositional proof techniques. In this article, we present a new approach to analyzing information flow security in a compositional manner. Instead of committing to a proof technique at the beginning of a verification, this choice is made during verification with the option of flexibly migrating to another proof technique. Our approachalso increases the precision of compositional reasoning in comparison to the traditional approach. We illustrate the advantages in two exemplary security analyses, on the semantic level and on the syntactic level.}, address = {Venice, Italy}, author = {{Heiko Mantel and Henning Sudbrock and Tina Krau\ss{}er}}, booktitle = {{Pre-Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2006)}}, editor = {Germ'an Puebla}, month = {July 12-14}, pages = {85--101}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2006/lopstr-2006-preproceedings.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2006/lopstr-2006-preproceedings.PS.zip}, title = {{Combining Different Proof Techniques for Verifying Information Flow Security}}, year = 2006 } @InProceedings{ kopf.ea:eliminating-implicit-information-leaks-by-transformational-typing-and-unification:2006, address = {Newcastle upon Tyne, UK}, author = {Boris K\"opf and Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2005)}, editor = {Theodosis Dimitrakos and Fabio Martinelli and Peter Y. A. Ryan and Steve Schneider}, month = {July 18-19}, pages = {47--62}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Eliminating Implicit Information Leaks by Transformational Typing and Unification}}, url = {http://www.springer.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,4-151-22-145362948-0,00.html}, volume = 3866, year = 2006 } @Proceedings{ autexier.ea:verify06:2006, address = {Seattle, USA}, editor = {Serge Autexier and Heiko Mantel}, month = {August, 15--16}, note = {Workshop in connection with Federated Logic Conference, FLoC'06}, publisher = {FLoC}, title = {Proceedings of the Verification Workshop (VERIFY 2006)}, url = {http://www.easychair.org/FLoC-06/VERIFY.html}, year = 2006 } @InProceedings{ kopf.ea:eliminating:2005, address = {Newcastle, UK}, author = {Boris K\"opf and Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Pre-Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2005)}, month = {July 18-19th}, pages = {45--60}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2005/2005fast-selected-papers.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2005/2005fast-selected-papers.PS.zip}, title = {Eliminating Implicit Information Leaks by Transformational Typing and Unification}, url = {http://www.iit.cnr.it/FAST2005/Unico.htm}, year = 2005 } @TechReport{ kopf.ea:eliminating:2005-b, address = {Z\"urich}, author = {Boris K\"opf and Heiko Mantel}, institution = {ETH Z\"urich}, number = 498, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2005/2005-tr-eth-498.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2005/2005-tr-eth-498.PS.zip}, title = {Eliminating Implicit Information Leaks by Transformational Typing and Unification}, year = 2005 } @InProceedings{ mantel:framework:2005, address = {Alexandria , VA, USA}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering: From Specifications to Code (FMSE)}, month = {November 11}, pages = {53--62}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2005/2005-fmse.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2005/2005-fmse.PS.zip}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {The Framework of Selective Interleaving Functions and the Modular Assembly Kit}, year = 2005 } @InCollection{ mantel.ea:exploiting:2005, author = {Heiko Mantel and Axel Schairer}, booktitle = {Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning}, isbn = {3-540-25051-4}, pages = {129--145}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {Exploiting Generic Aspects of Security Models in Formal Developments}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/5cdc3901tc727ctr/}, volume = 2605, year = 2005 } @Book{ autexier.ea:selected:2005, series = {International Journal for Information Security}, editor = {Serge Autexier and Iliano Cervesato and Heiko Mantel}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Special Issue on FCS/Verify 2002}, url = {http://link.springer.com/journal/10207/4/1/page/1}, volume = 4, number = {1--2}, year = 2005 } @Article{ kreitz.ea:matrix:2004, author = {Christoph Kreitz and Heiko Mantel}, journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR)}, pages = {121--166}, publisher = {Kluwer}, title = {A Matrix Characterization for Multiplicative Exponential Linear Logic}, volume = 32, number = 2, year = 2004 } @InProceedings{ mantel.ea:controlled-declassification-based-on-intransitive-noninterference:2004, address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, author = {Heiko Mantel and David Sands}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS)}, month = {November 4--6}, pages = {129--145}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2004/2004aplas.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2004/2004aplas.ps.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 3302}, title = {{Controlled Declassification based on Intransitive Noninterference}}, year = 2004 } @PhDThesis{ th:Mantel2003, author = {Heiko Mantel}, title = {A Uniform Framework for the Formal Specification and Verification of Information Flow Security}, school = {Universit\"at des Saarlandes}, year = 2003, address = {Saarbr\"ucken, Germany}, month = {Juli}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2003/PhD-Thesis.pdf} } @Article{ ar:MantelSabelfeld2003a, author = {Heiko Mantel and Andrei Sabelfeld}, title = {{A Unifying Approach to the Security of Distributed and Multi-Threaded Programs}}, journal = {Journal of Computer Security (JCS)}, year = 2003, volume = 11, number = 4, pages = {615--676}, publisher = {IOS Press} } @Proceedings{ banerjee.ea:final:2003, editor = {Anindya Banerjee and Heiko Mantel and David Naumann and Andrei Sabelfeld}, publisher = {Dagstuhl}, title = {Final Report on Seminar 03411: Language-Based Security}, year = 2003 } @InProceedings{ mantel:on-the-composition-of-secure-systems:2002, abstract = {When complex systems are constructed from simplercomponents it is important to know how properties of thecomponents behave under composition. In this article, wepresent various compositionality results for security properties.In particular, we introduce a novel security propertyand show that this property is, in general, composable althoughit is weaker than forward correctability. Moreover,we demonstrate that certain nontrivial security propertiesemerge under composition and illustrate how this fact canbe exploited. All compositionality results that we presentare verified with the help of a single, quite powerful lemma.Basing on this lemma, we also re-prove several alreadyknown compositionality results with the objective to unifythese results. As a side effect, we obtain a classification ofknown compositionality results for security properties.}, address = {Oakland, CA, USA}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)}, month = {May 12--15}, pages = {88--101}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2002/2002ieee-ssp.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2002/2002ieee-ssp.ps.zip}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {{On the Composition of Secure Systems}}, year = 2002 } @InProceedings{ sabelfeld.ea:static-confidentiality-enforcement-for-distributed-programs:2002, address = {Madrid, Spain}, author = {Andrei Sabelfeld and Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS)}, month = {September 17--20}, pages = {376--394}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2002/2002SAS.PDF}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2002/2002SAS.PS.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 2477}, title = {{Static Confidentiality Enforcement for Distributed Programs}}, year = 2002 } @Proceedings{ autexier.ea:proceedings:2002, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, editor = {Serge Autexier and Heiko Mantel}, month = {July}, note = {Workshop in connection with Federated Logic Conference, FLoC'02}, publisher = {DIKU}, title = {Proceedings of the Verification Workshop (VERIFY'02)}, url = {http://www.diku.dk/publikationer/tekniske.rapporter/2002/?PDF=PDF}, year = 2002 } @InProceedings{ mantel:information-flow-control-and-applications--bridging-a-gap:2001, address = {Berlin, Germany}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe (FME)}, editor = {Jose Nuno Olivera and Pamela Zave}, month = {March 12-16}, pages = {153--172}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001FME.PDF}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001FME.PS.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 2021}, title = {{Information Flow Control and Applications -- Bridging a Gap}}, year = 2001 } @InProceedings{ mantel:preserving-information-flow-properties-under-refinement:2001, abstract = {In a stepwise development process, it is essential thatsystem properties that have been already investigated insome phase need not be re-investigated in later phases. Informal developments, this corresponds to the requirementthat properties are preserved under refinement. While safetyand liveness properties are indeed preserved under moststandard forms of refinement, it is well known that this is,in general, not true for information flow properties, a largeand useful class of security properties. In this article, wepropose a collection of refinement operators as a solutionto this problem. We prove that these operators preserve informationflow as well as other system properties. Thus,information flow properties become compatible with stepwisedevelopment. Moreover, we show that our operatorsare an optimal solution.}, address = {Oakland, CA, USA}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)}, month = {May 14--16}, pages = {78--91}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001ieee-ssp.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001ieee-ssp.ps.zip}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {{Preserving Information Flow Properties under Refinement}}, year = 2001 } @InProceedings{ mantel.ea:a-generic-approach-to-the-security-of-multi-threaded-programs:2001, abstract = {The security of computation at the level of a specific programminglanguage and the security of complex systems ata more abstract level are two major areas of current securityresearch. With the objective to integrate the two, thisarticle proposes a translation of a timing-sensitive securityproperty for simple multi-threaded programs into a moregeneral security framework. Interestingly, our notion of securityfor programs is bisimulation-based while the securityframework is trace-based. Nevertheless, we show thatthe translation is sound and complete in the sense that thetrace-based specification which results from the translationof a multi-threaded program is secure if and only if the originalprogram is secure. The translation is presented as atwo-step process where the first step is independent fromthe concrete programming language.}, address = {Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Andrei Sabelfeld}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW)}, month = {June 11--13}, pages = {126--142}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001ieee-csfw.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001ieee-csfw.ps.zip}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {{A Generic Approach to the Security of Multi-threaded Programs}}, year = 2001 } @TechReport{ mantel.ea:using:2001, address = {Freiburg}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Axel Schairer and Matthias Kabatnik and Michael Kreutzer and Alf Zugenmaier}, institution = {Institut f\"ur Informatik, Universit\"at Freiburg}, month = {August}, number = 159, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001-tr-info-flow-location-information.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2001/2001-tr-info-flow-location-information.PS.zip}, title = {Using Information Flow Control to Evaluate Access Protection of Location Information in Mobile Communication Networks}, year = 2001 } @Proceedings{ proc:Verify2001, editor = {Serge Autexier and Heiko Mantel}, title = {Proceedings of the Verification Workshop (VERIFY'01)}, publisher = {Universit\`a degli Studi di Siena}, year = 2001, number = {Technical Report DII 08/01}, address = {Siena, Italy}, month = {June}, note = {Workshop in connection with International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR'01} } @Article{ ar:vsegroup00a, author = {Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter and Bruno Langenstein and Heiko Mantel and Georg Rock and Axel Schairer and Werner Stephan and Roland Vogt and Andreas Wolpers}, title = {{VSE: Formal Methods Meet Industrial Needs}}, journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)}, year = 2000, editor = {B.~Steffen and W.~R.~Cleaveland and M.~Dwyer and P.~Pomberger and T.~Margaria}, volume = 3, number = 1, pages = {66--77}, publisher = {Springer} } @TechReport{ kreitz.ea:a-matrix-characterization-for-multiplicative-exponential-linear-logic:2000, author = {Christoph Kreitz and Heiko Mantel}, institution = {Cornell University}, note = {Revised version appeared in 2004 in Journal of Automated Reasoning}, title = {{A Matrix Characterization for Multiplicative Exponential Linear Logic}}, year = 2000 } @InProceedings{ mantel:possibilistic-definitions-of-security--an-assembly-kit:2000, abstract = {We present a framework in which different notions of securitycan be defined in a uniform and modular way. Eachdefinition of security is formalized as a security predicateby assembling more primitive basic security predicates. Acollection of such basic security predicates is defined andwe demonstrate how well-known concepts like generalizednon-interference or separability can be constructed fromthem. The framework is open and can be extended with newbasic security predicates using a general schema. We investigatethe compatibility of the assembled definitions withsystem properties apart from security and propose a newdefinition of security which does not restrict non-criticalinformation flow. It turns out that the modularity of ourframework simplifies these investigation. Finally, we discussthe stepwise development of secure systems.}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW)}, month = {July 3--5}, pages = {185--199}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2000/2000ieee-csfw.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2000/2000ieee-csfw.ps.zip}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, title = {{Possibilistic Definitions of Security -- An Assembly Kit}}, year = 2000 } @InProceedings{ mantel:unwinding-possibilistic-security-properties:2000, address = {Toulouse, France}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, booktitle = {European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)}, editor = {F.~Cuppens and Y.~Deswarte and D.~Gollmann and M.~Waidner}, month = {October 4--6}, pages = {238--254}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2000/2000esorics.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2000/2000esorics.ps.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS 1895}, title = {{Unwinding Possibilistic Security Properties}}, year = 2000 } @TechReport{ mantel:new:2000, address = {Berkeley, California}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, institution = {IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy}, month = {May 14-17}, note = {The full paper appeared in 2000 at CSFW}, title = {A new framework for possibilistic security - A summary - ABSTRACT}, year = 2000 } @InProceedings{ inp:MantelGaertner2000a, author = {Heiko Mantel and Felix G\"artner}, title = {{A Case Study in the Mechanical Verification of Fault Tolerance}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS)}, pages = {341--345}, year = 2000, address = {Orlando, Florida, USA}, month = {22-24 May}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2000/2000-flairs.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/2000/2000-flairs.PS.zip}, publisher = {AAAI Press} } @Article{ ar:MantelGaertner2000a, author = {Heiko Mantel and Felix G\"artner}, title = {{A Case Study in the Mechanical Verification of Fault Tolerance}}, journal = {Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (JETAI)}, year = 2000, volume = 12, number = 4, pages = {473--488}, month = {October}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis} } @InProceedings{ autexier.ea:system-description--inka-5-0--a-logic-voyager:1999, address = {Trento, Italy}, author = {Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter and Heiko Mantel and Axel Schairer}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE)}, month = {July}, pages = {207--211}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999CADE.PDF}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999CADE.PS.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI 1632}, title = {{System Description: INKA 5.0 -- A Logic Voyager}}, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{ autexier.ea:towards-an-evolutionary-formal-software-development-using-casl:1999, author = {Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter and Heiko Mantel and Axel Schairer}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT)}, editor = {D.~Bert and C.~Choppy and P.~Mosses}, pages = {73--88}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999WADT-abstract.PDF}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999WADT-abstract.PS.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{Towards an Evolutionary Formal Software-Development Using CASL (Abstract)}}, volume = 1827, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{ autexier.hutter.ea:towards, author = {Serge Autexier and Dieter Hutter and Heiko Mantel and Axel Schairer}, title = {Towards an Evolutionary Formal Software-Development Using CASL}, booktitle = {Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 14th International Workshop, WADT'99, Chateau de Bonas, France, September 15-18, 1999, Selected Papers}, year = 1999 } @TechReport{ mantel.ea:a-case-study-in-the-mechanical-verification-of-fault-tolerance:1999, address = {Germany}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Felix G\"artner}, institution = {TU Darmstadt}, number = {TUD-BS-1999-08}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999-TUD-BS-1999-08.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999-TUD-BS-1999-08.PS.zip}, title = {{A Case Study in the Mechanical Verification of Fault Tolerance}}, year = 1999 } @InProceedings{ mantel.ea:lintap--a-tableau-prover-for-linear-logic:1999, address = {Saratoga Springs, NY, USA}, author = {Heiko Mantel and Jens Otten}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX)}, editor = {Neil V.Murray}, month = {June}, pages = {217--231}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999tableaux.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1999/1999tableaux.ps.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI 1617}, title = {{linTAP: A Tableau Prover for Linear Logic}}, year = 1999 } @TechReport{ autexier.ea:semantical-investigation-of-simultaneous-skolemization-for-first-order-sequent-calculus:1998, address = {Germany}, author = {Serge Autexier and Heiko Mantel}, institution = {University of Saarbr\"ucken}, number = {SR-98-05}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1998/1998tr_seki.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1998/1998tr_seki.ps.zip}, title = {{Semantical Investigation of Simultaneous Skolemization for First-Order Sequent Calculus}}, year = 1998 } @InProceedings{ autexier.ea:simultaneous-quantifier-elimination:1998, address = {Bremen, Germany}, author = {Serge Autexier and Heiko Mantel and Werner Stephan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI)}, editor = {Otthein Herzog and Andreas G\"unter}, month = {September}, pages = {141--152}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1998/1998KI.PDF}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1998/1998KI.PS.zip}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI 1504}, title = {{Simultaneous Quantifier Elimination}}, year = 1998 } @InProceedings{ inp:vsegroup1998a, author = {Dieter Hutter and Heiko Mantel and Georg Rock and Werner Stephan and Andreas Wolpers and Michael Balser and Wolfgang Reif and Gerhard Schellhorn and Kurt Stenzel}, title = {{VSE: Controlling the Complexity in Formal Software Developments}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Current Trends in Applied Formal Methods (FM-Trends)}, pages = {351--358}, year = 1998, series = {LNCS 1641}, address = {Boppard, Germany}, month = {October}, publisher = {Springer} } @TechReport{ mantel:developing-a-matrix-characterization-for-mell:1998, address = {Kaiserslautern Germany}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, institution = {DFKI}, number = {RR-98-03}, title = {{Developing a Matrix Characterization for MELL}}, url = {http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/dfkidok/publications/RR/98/03/abstract.html}, year = 1998 } @InProceedings{ inp:MantelKreitz1998a, author = {Heiko Mantel and Christoph Kreitz}, title = {{A Matrix Characterization for MELL}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA)}, pages = {169--183}, year = 1998, editor = {J.~Dix and L.~Farinas del Cerro and U.~Furbach}, series = {LNAI 1489}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, month = {October}, publisher = {Springer} } @InProceedings{ inp:KreitzMantelOttenSchmitt1997, author = {Christoph Kreitz and Heiko Mantel and Jens Otten and Stephan Schmitt}, title = {{Connection-Based Proof Construction in Linear Logic}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE)}, pages = {207--221}, year = 1997, editor = {William McCune}, series = {LNAI 1249}, address = {Townsville, Australia}, month = {July}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1997/1997cade-numbered.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1997/1997cade-numbered.PS.zip}, publisher = {Springer} } @TechReport{ mantel.ea:a-framework-for-connection-calculi:1997, author = {Heiko Mantel and Enno Sandner}, institution = {Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Computer Science Departement, Dresden University of Technology}, pdf = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1997/1997-wv-1997-09.pdf}, ps = {https://www.mais.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/WebBib/papers/1997/1997-wv-1997-09.ps.zip}, title = {{A Framework for Connection Calculi}}, year = 1997 } @MastersThesis{ mantel:eine-matrixcharakterisierung-fur-ein-fragment-der-linearen-logik:1996, address = {Germany}, author = {Heiko Mantel}, month = {December}, school = {TU Darmstadt}, title = {{Eine Matrixcharakterisierung f\"ur ein Fragment der Linearen Logik}}, type = {Diploma Thesis}, year = 1996 }