Form: Seminar - 3 CP (2 SWS)
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel
Contact: Florian Dewald
Time and place:
Block seminar on 1 or 2 days, tentative dates:
Thursday, 14.1.2021 and Friday, 15.1.2021
(please reserve both days, the exact schedule will be determined depending on the actual number of participants)
Language: English
Registration:  via TUCaN, course id 20-00-0960-se
Max. participants:
Preparation Meeting: Friday, 6.11.2020, 14:25
Literature: You can find relevant articles here. More details will be provided in the preparation meeting.
Information regarding the Corona pandemic:
This course will happen. In the beginning of the winter semester 2020/2021, this course will be taught online. We closely monitor the situation and adapt the format of this course accordingly throughout the semester. The official start of this course is the online preparation meeting on Friday, 6.11.2020, at 14:25, in which you will receive more information about this course's format. We will provide more information how to join the preparation meeting via e-mail before. To receive this e-mail, please register for this course via TUCaN or write an e-mail to

Please register for the preparation meeting by Friday, 6.11.2020, 8:00

On-line participation in the preparation meeting is required for all labs and seminars. The registration in the courses gets only effective after steps explained in the preparation meeting.


Picture (modified): Argonne National Laboratory (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Modern computing hardware offers multiple processor cores to complete tasks. Since a single processor core only increases ever so slightly year over year, more and more software makes use of multiple processor cores. However, developing and analyzing parallel software is a challenging task.

In this seminar, we look at scientific publications that address the creation and analysis of parallel software. The topics include:

  • dependency analysis and dependency representations
  • modeling and effects of weak-memory behavior
  • semantics of concurrent systems
  • static and dynamic analysis of concurrent systems
  • automated parallelization


Learning Objectives

After successfully participating in this course, you will be able to discuss developments in concurrency and parallelism. Furthermore, you will have improved your skills in reading and understanding scientific articles and in presenting, discussing, and comparing scientific results.


Knowledge of Computer Science equivalent to the first four semesters in the Computer Science Bachelor program.

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