Materials for the seminar, including the list of articles that we discuss, will be available in Moodle.
Distributed systems are made up of multiple independent nodes, working together through some messaging service. Security in such systems poses unique challenges, as they feature an augmented attack surface, heterogeneous platforms, and multilateral security interests. This has made securing distributed IT systems a non-trivial challenge, which has become an active research area in recent years.
In this seminar we connect contemporary challenges of securing distributed systems to the possibilities of modern, language-based approaches to IT security. Language-based approaches to security exploit properties of formal languages (i.e., of programming and specification languages) that are used in system construction. The use of semantic-based program analyses enables one to reliably check security requirements. The use of run-time mechanisms and of program transformations enables one to establish additional security guarantees. That is, language-based security can be employed both, for security certification and for hardening systems.
Knowledge of Computer Science and Mathematics equivalent to the first four semesters in the Computer Science Bachelor program, in particular, competence in at least one programming language, basic knowledge of IT-security, distributed systems, and formal methods.