Organizer: | Prof. Dr. Heiko Mantel |
Form: | Block seminar on 12.-13.02.2015; one paper, one talk, and one report (with guidance) |
Registration: | via TUCaN (20-00-0779-se), or Miriam Rifai-Schön (S2|02 E318) |
Literature: | will be announced during the preparation meeting |
Preparation Meeting: | 16 Oct 2014 (Thu), 16:00 at S2|02 E302 |
Language-based techniques are becoming popular for checking that programs are secure. There is a broad spectrum of program analysis techniques that have been and are being developed for this purpose, ranging from type systems over dependency analyses to program logics. In order to apply such analysis techniques for checking that programs are secure in some well-defined sense, tool support is required. This seminar covers tools for language-based security that originated from research in recent years.
Knowledge of Computer Science and Mathematics, equivalent to the first four semesters in the Computer Science Bachelor program, in particular
Last modified on 17 October 2014.