TU Darmstadt Department of Computer Science Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems Hochschulstraße 10 D-64289 Darmstadt Germany |
GPG-Key: 4096R/DDBDDE43, Fingerprint: 368B 8C8B 4458 E7F8 0CE0 EE37 28E4 3F70 DDBD DE43.
I started in MAIS as a tutor for Foundations of Computing in the winter term 2007. Briefly after that I came into first contact with language-based information-flow security during my bachelor's thesis on an information-flow analysis for "Common Intermediate Language". I continued as a student assistant during my master studies contributing to the "Side Channel Finder", a tool to support Java developers to detect possible timing side channel vulnerabilities due to branching that depends on secret information. In my master's thesis I investigated the impact of scheduling on controlled declassification. After graduating I started as a PhD student at MAIS in the project "Reliable Security for Concurrent Programs" within the DFG priority program "Reliably Secure Software Systems". Since then, my research evolves around the general theme of information-flow security for concurrent programs.
I am currently an external Ph.D. student completing my Ph.D. thesis, while already working in industry.
My research interest mainly lies in the development of practical solutions for information-flow security with solid theoretical foundations and their application. My current research focuses on the theoretical foundations. In this area I currently investigate, e.g. the impact of changes in the semantics on information-flow security and how to get rid of semantic side-conditions from analysis techniques.
Last modified on 10 January 2021.