This is the former webpage of Dr. Richard Gay.
As a Ph.D. candidate in the MAIS group, my research addresses the topic of runtime monitoring and enforcement for distributed applications. In particular, I have been developing CliSeAu (published at ICISS'14), a tool for cooperative enforcement of security for distributed Java programs, as well as a formal model of a cooperative enforcement mechanism (published at FAST'11).
My first contact with the group of Heiko Mantel was in 2006 at RWTH Aachen, when I started working on the MAKS framework as a student researcher for the group. Later, yet still as a student researcher for the group, I switched to the topic of covert channels which were then also the topic of my Diploma thesis (see the publications below). After graduating in computer science at RWTH Aachen, I started as Ph.D. candidate in the MAIS group and CASED scholarship holder in 2009. Subsequently, I contributed to the projects FM-SecEng and RS3.
If you are a student at TU Darmstadt and are interested in writing a Bachelor's, Diploma or Master's thesis or in working as a student researcher (HiWi) on the research topics I am researching, please contact one of my colleagues Yuri Dantas or Tobias Hamann, as I am currently not looking for students to supervise.
I have been involved in the following teaching activities:
I am and have been involved in the supervision of the technical infrastructure of the MAIS group. As part of this responsibility, I supervised the following apprentices:
Last modified on 2 March 2023.